BIS certification in India


The BIS certification in India is governed by BIS Act 2016 which established the National Standard Body of India for the harmonious growth of the operations of standardization, marking, and quality certification of goods, as well as things associated with or incidental thereto.

The International Organization for Standardization (“ISO“) is an international organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, that was founded in 1947. Its goal is to publish worldwide standards and guarantee that items available to the general public are of high quality and safe to use.

There are 161 member nations as of April 2018, and each has a government-regulated agency to carry out comparable tasks on a national level. We have the Bureau of Indian Standards for India (BIS).

Through standardization, certification, and testing, BIS has provided detectable and substantial benefits to the national economy in a number of ways, including providing safe, reliable quality goods, reducing consumer health risks, promoting exports and imports as a substitute, and controlling variety propagation, among other things.

The goal of BIS is to analyze product samples when they are in the preliminary and surveillance stages. BIS has eight central laboratories, four regional laboratories, and three branch laboratories throughout India. Because of the following reasons, the Government of India encourages BIS registration: 

  1. BIS Certification ensures quality.
  2. It offers protection to the public at large.
  3. Consumers are protected from risky products.
  4. Consumer confidence is built with BIS Certification.

BIS Certification is a method of delivering a third-party guarantee of product quality, safety, and reliability to customers. BIS Certification is a voluntary programme; however, the Indian government has made it mandatory for some items in the interest of public health. The method for gaining BIS Certification for a product in India is discussed in this article.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.

Read more: LLP Registration


With over 26500 licenses covering over 900 items, the BIS Registration Product Scheme is one of the largest in the world. It enables the company to use the widely recognized ISI Mark on their products, which certifies that the product is safe and healthy.

The BIS Registration product system also has a Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme, which allows foreign manufacturers to be licensed to use the BIS standard mark. According to a government notification, BIS certification is mandatory for 90 listed products.


The product’s BIS Registration is divided into many sorts of schemes, which are as follows:

1. NORMAL PROCEDURE FOR DOMESTIC MANUFACTURERS The applicant must submit the BIS Registration application, as well as the required papers and payments. Following the submission of the application, a BIS officer conducts an assessment in which the samples are tested at the plant, and an independent testing report is made up. Where the sampling process is suitable, BIS Registration is issued if all goes smoothly. BIS Registration is granted within four months after the application’s submission.


In the streamlined approach, the applicant provides a test report of the sample from the approved lab to the BIS officer together with the application for BIS Registration. If the test report is satisfactory, the BIS officer will inspect the plant and issue a certificate of registration within a period of 30 days of the BIS Registration application being submitted with the requisite test report.

Except for the following items, the simplified method applies to the awarding of licenses in All India First licensing instances and for all items:

  • All products for which a BIS license is given based on factory testing;
  • Items that require clearance from another legislative authority, such as cylinders, valves, and cement; 
  • Packaged Drinking Water (“PDW”) and Packaged Natural Mineral Water (“PNMW”).


The BIS also issues licenses to environmentally friendly items via a specific system known as the ECO Mark Scheme, which categorizes all environmental products according to Indian Standards’ fundamental specifications.


The ISI mark is developed specifically for international applicants or producers and is given under a separate procedure during a 6-month period. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) launched the Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS) in the year 2000 with the goal of allowing abroad applicants or foreign manufacturers to use the Standard Mark on their goods as well.

The foreign manufacturer must establish a branch office in India with the necessary approvals before appointing an agent in India.

  • The application form, supporting documents, and required fee must be sent to the BIS in the approved format.
  • The applicant’s production and testing units will be subjected to a preliminary inspection. In addition, a sample(s) will be taken for independent testing.
  • If the BIS is satisfied with all of the requirements, the BIS Certificate will be issued, and the applicant will be required to pay an annual minimum marking charge as well as an annual license cost.


Manufacturers who want a standard BIS label based on government notice can apply for a BIS license using the tatkal system. The request is handled under strict deadlines under the tatkal programme, and the total processing time is set at 30 days.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.


It is essential for the manufacturer to get BIS Registration since it provides the following benefits


For all manufacturers, BIS takes a holistic approach to quality compliance implementation. Entities with a BIS registration are required to manufacture their items to a specified quality. BIS investigative officials do surprise inspections to the location where the production is generally conducted out. It allows the BIS to keep an eye on the production facilities for product quality and compliance.


Products that do not have a quality certification may be taken off the market instantly, but they will not gain the customer’s reputation or confidence. Uncertified items are prone to poor performance and might pose a health hazard. Unfortunately, the majority of end-users are unaware of such information.

BIS-approved goods, on the other hand, left no room for complaint in this regard, as they claim to give high-quality performance and unrivalled dependability.


BIS certification includes 900 different categories of items, some of which are potentially hazardous to the environment. Electronics, in particular, pose a significant environmental and health concern. BIS has made a number of steps in this regard, including establishing a defined process for making such things in order to reduce environmental risk.

Furthermore, under BIS’s mandated rules, the usage of some materials and substances is forbidden. As a result, it is critical in establishing the standard of quality for safety and the environment in the industrial sector.


BIS has included state-of-the-art labs in various sections of the nation since it focuses on quality standards. These labs were created to assess the quality of a wide range of items. The investigating officials randomly choose a few samples from the registration facilities during the on-site examination and submit them to the testing lab.

The product will be returned together with the test result after it has been certified. Although this procedure may appear to be time-consuming, it is critical for ensuring good quality.



a. The applicant must complete the required application Form- I., and it must be sent to the branch office of the jurisdiction where the manufacturing facility is located, together with a Rs 1000 application fee.

The following supplementary documents must be included with the application:

  • Document from the federal or state government (e.g., a registration certificate, a memorandum of understanding, etc.) verifying the address and purpose of the manufacturing unit for which the BIS license application is being filed.
  • A copy of a valid Registration Certificate from the Local / State authorities or from a Chartered Accountant if the applicant is applying as an SSI unit.
  • Process Flowchart including all manufacturing processes (from raw materials to final product stage), providing details of in-process controls at each level, including outsourced stages.
  • A full list of manufacturing machinery in the manner described in Annex A-1, including the name of the said machinery, the process for which it is employed, capacity, and quantity.
  • If parts of the production processes are outsourced, describe them as well as the controls you implemented prior to receiving the materials/components, etc. Include a verified copy of the agreement as well.
  • A full list of testing facilities, clearly showing the name of the equipment(s), the test for which it is used (please mention clause No. of the Indian Standard), the test equipment’s range / least count/accuracy, calibration state, and quantity, as per Annex A-2’s format.
  • Copies of calibration certifications for testing equipment that are valid for at least 3 months from the time the application is recorded.
  • Where appropriate, a ‘consent letter’ from a BIS-accredited laboratory (for requirements that must be and/or are proposed to be tested by an outside lab because the applicant lacks in-house testing capabilities).
  • Plant Layout is a diagram that shows where production machinery, offices, storage areas, and other facilities are located on the plant grounds.
  • QC staff appointment letter, including names, experience, credentials, and date of appointment, as well as a copy of each of the qualification certificates.
  • For each of the raw materials/components, make a copy of the test reports/suppliers’ test certifications.
  • If available, a copy of an in-house or independent test report for the product that meets all of the requirements of the applicable Indian Standard.
  • Authorization letter from the CEO in the name of the authorized signatory if the application is signed by the applicant’s authorized signatory.

The unit is subjected to a preliminary examination within 15 days of the application being filed. The firm’s production competence, quality, and controls were assessed against Indian norms during this inspection. Products are also sampled for testing in independent laboratories.

The BIS grants a license to use the Standard Mark on a product after exhaustively ensuring that the product is in compliance with the applicable Indian Standards and has the capability of adhering to the standards on an ongoing basis. The BIS license has a one-year initial validity term and can be extended for further one/two years if the operation is good. The required costs are periodically announced on the official page.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.


  1. APPLICATION: The applicant must submit an application together with the required documentation, as well as the application fee (Rs. 1000 + relevant taxes) and special inspection fee. For one product and one manufacturing location, just one application is required. The license is issued if the BIS is pleased that the registration form demonstrates the applicant’s competence to produce and test items in accordance with Indian Standards. During the tenure of the license, the applicant must therefore agree to follow the stipulated testing and inspection plan and pay the stipulated for marking.
  • Application Form in the format provided in Annex I.
  • Self-Evaluation Report in the format provided in Annex II.
  • Undertaking under a simplified procedure in accordance with Annex III’s framework.
  • Original test report(s) from the indicated laboratory, not older than 1 month, stating all of the applicable category’s requirements.
  1. VERIFICATION: Within 15 days of submitting an application, a verification visit by the appropriate BO is scheduled to check the organization’s capabilities in relation to Indian Standards. Samples of products from ordinary manufacturing are tested and sealed for testing in an independent laboratory during the verification visit. The conformance of this sample, however, is not a requirement for granting a license. The case will be assessed after receiving the test report(s) for the sample obtained during the verification visit. If the sample is determined to be defective, the marking must be halted immediately.
  2. GRANT OF LICENSE: The Competent Authority considers the grant of a license after reviewing the applicant’s needed paperwork. The applicant is encouraged to submit the advance minimum marking fee and the annual BIS licensing fee within 7 days of the grant of license being completed, following which the approval letter of grant of license is provided. The procedure is intended to be finished within 30 days after the application’s submission.

The license has a one-year initial validity term and can be renewed for another one/two years according to BIS rules.


  1. The application form, supporting documents, along with the required fee, must be sent to the BIS in the approved format. The foreign manufacturer must establish a branch office in India with the necessary approvals before appointing an agent in India.
  2. The applicant’s production and testing units will be subjected to a preliminary inspection. In addition, a sample(s) will be taken for independent testing.
  3. If the BIS is satisfied with all of the requirements, the BIS Certificate will be issued, and the applicant will be required to pay an annual minimum marking charge as well as an annual license cost. The BIS accreditation is only good for a year.


The method for obtaining a license from BIS under the Eco Mark Scheme is identical to that for obtaining a license from a domestic manufacturer:

  1. Each application submitted under the Eco Mark programme must include a copy of each of the following documents:
  • The related State Pollution Control Board’s consent/environmental clearance certificate.
  • If the said application is from a small-scale unit that wishes to take advantage of the reduced marking cost for the small-scale sector, a small-scale industries registration certificate will be issued. The office of the Development Commissioner, Small-scale Industries, or the Industries Department of the concerned state government may issue this certificate.
  1. If the application unit already has a valid BIS certification mark license for a product and wants the new product to be covered by the Eco Mark Scheme, the applicant has made a special request to the Bureau, which will take appropriate action.
  2. A single mark under the Scheme will be a mix of the ISI Mark and the Eco-logo.
  3. The comments obtained from consumer forums/organizations is also considered when evaluating the performance of the Eco Mark licensee.


BIS certification is a method of assuring customers of the quality, dependability, and safety of items. The Indian government has made BIS certification essential for specific items in order to protect consumers’ health. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that the things we use in our daily lives are of high quality and are safe to use.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.

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