COMPLETE PROCESS OF PSARA LICENSE, For an organization to deploy security guards and provide security-related services, it must first obtain a PSARA license. The Private Security Agencies Regulation Act of 2005 requires private security agencies that offer security services, including security guard training, to register.


Private security agencies are businesses that specialize in providing security services, such as security guard training. The Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005, or ‘PSARA,’ governs the activities of private security firms. Without a license, no private security firm can start a company or provide security services. The general public’s trust in private security administrations has steadily grown as a way to protect themselves from various types of wrongdoing. It prompted the establishment of private security firms. Where it comes to national security, the legislature has driven the establishment and operation of private security administrations through a demonstration called the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act (PSARA), 2005. PSARA licenses are valid for five years and can be renewed for another five years by paying the prescribed fee in installments.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.


COMPLETE PROCESS OF PSARA LICENSE, According to the PSARA Act, the State Government may appoint a Controlling Authority for the state who is not below the rank of Joint Secretary in the State’s Home Department or a proportional officer. The Controlling Authority shall issue the PSARA license (Defense license), as well as the re-establishment and regulation of private security office operations. Following receipt of an application, the governing Authority makes such a request as it can reasonably believe. The concerned police specialists will issue a NOC. When it is released, the governing expert may either approve or deny the PSARA license for a reason. The treatment takes about 60 days to complete. Each private security firm must begin its operations within a half-year of receiving a PSARA license.


Before starting a private security company in India, you must first obtain a PSARA license. As an alternative to the police, a Private Security Agency offers Private Security Guards and other related services to an establishment. The activity of private security agencies is regulated by the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005, which is implemented by the Ministry of Home Affairs Department of Internal Security.

Following the enactment of the PSARA (Act), a security agency must obtain a Licence from the State Controlling Authority Concerned before beginning operations, and non-compliance is punishable by statute. To start a private security agency, you must apply for a PSARA license from the state’s competent Authority. The PSARA License is valid for one or more districts in a given state or for the entire state.


Any Indian business, firm, or group of people is eligible for a permit from the Private Security Agency. Even if the company is a corporation, the majority of the investors should be Indians.

PSARA License/Registration applications may be submitted to the Competent Authority of the concerned state by an individual, partnership firm, limited liability partnership (LLP), one person company (OPC), or a private limited company.


The substance’s name should include the words “Security Services” or similar terms that relate to the candidate’s goal. One of the main objectives of a MOA on behalf of a company must be to have security benefits.


For police confirmation, the applicant must be a resident Indian, in good financial condition (we must present a copy of ITR), have a clean criminal record, and not have been sentenced for any crime.


To grant preparation to security guards, the applicant for a PSARA License must enter into an MOU with a preparing foundation or an association that has been approved by the state controlling expert. Ex-servicemen should relax about their training requirements.


The PSARA License cannot be granted to a person if it is discovered that they are maintaining links with organizations or affiliations that are prohibited under any law or through an administration request in order to ensure National Security, Public Order, or to prevent any movement that is biased against National Security.


The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005, states that a security agency license or PSARA license will not be granted if it is not registered in India or if it has an owner, majority investor, accomplice, or chief who is not a native of India.

When it comes to the form of BUSINESS ENTITY, the following are all entitled to register under the PSARA, 2005 and obtain a PSARA license.

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • One Person Company
  • Partnership Firm
  • LLP
  • Association of Persons and 
  • Private Limited Company 

In terms of the role of a Director/Principal Officer.

The qualification to be a Director/Principal Officer is not available to everyone. To be considered for the same, you must meet the following requirements: –

  • Citizenship in India is needed.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
  • Must have sufficient financial capital to cover business expenses.
  • He can’t possibly have any convictions against him.

In terms of the role of a Security Guard.

If you check the following boxes, you’ll be able to get a job as a security guard: –

  • Citizenship in India is needed.
  • You must be between the ages of 18 and 65 years old.
  • Prior experience is required.
  • In any case, they must not be fired from any government role.
  • Must possess all of the desired physical characteristics.
  • It is essential to provide assurance about the individual’s character.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.


Obtaining a PSARA License Requires the Submission of the Following Documents:

  • Directors’ and workers’ identification documents (Aadhar Card)
  • The affidavit collected under the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act – Address evidence of the agency’s office 
  • PAN Card of promoters 
  • Logo of the organization
  • Two photographs of the promoters
  • Service tax department registration information
  • Shops and Establishments Act Certificate 
  • ESI Registration
  • Registration with a pension fund 
  • Affidavit of protection training 
  • Registration with a pension fund 
  • Employees character certificates
  • A copy of each director’s tax return
  • Certificate of incorporation for a company
  • Memorandum of Understanding signed with the training institute
  • Finally, the security guards’ details.


A- Organize all of the necessary documents.

The requisite paperwork for the application must be compiled and sorted in order to ensure that the application is processed quickly and smoothly, which will speed up the process of obtaining the license.

To prevent any discrepancies, the records relating to the different registrations, as well as the particulars of the promoters and directors, must be transparent and legible. After obtaining the required documents, you may submit your application via the online portal. Since the e-signing function is available, the whole process can be completed on the online portal itself.

B- Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a training organization.

On the home page of, a list of qualifying training institutes will be displayed. To be able to offer instruction to its applicants, the applicant must enter into an MoU with a training institute.

An organization that offers training will cater to more people and will be able to boast of its high-quality workers. Ex-servicemen are given some leeway and exemptions when it comes to the agency’s training requirements.

C- Filing of the application

After completing all of the previous steps, the applicant must submit a PSARA License application (Form-I) to the appropriate state authority. The applicant should also have Form-II, which will be used to verify the applicant’s antecedents. Along with Form-I, an affidavit in Form-III is needed.

D- The police conduct the verification.

The next step in the procedure is police verification. This check will take place after Form-I has been submitted. If the organization is a collaboration or a corporation, the directors would be required to go through the police verification process as well.

E- PSARA License is granted

If the application is followed by a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the police after verification, the Authority will review it and either grant or deny the PSARA License in Form-IV, depending on the circumstances.

F- How long would it take to get a PSARA license?

The length of time it takes to receive a PSARA license is solely dependent on the state authority in question and how quickly it accepts applications. The ideal time frame for granting an application is 60 days from the date of receipt.

G- Supervisors are appointed.

In order to comply with the requirements of the PSARA, 2005, the applicant must nominate supervisors. The supervisors are in charge of overseeing and directing the agency’s activities in relation to the security guards’ jobs. Individuals with at least three years of work experience in the army or navy must be appointed as supervisors.


The following are the fees for obtaining a PSARA license for private security agencies (PSA) working in different locations

  • INR 5000 for PSAs in a single district; 
  • INR 10,000 for PSAs in two districts
  • INR 25000 for PSAs that operate throughout the state
  • The government fee for Karnataka, on the other hand, is Rs 50,000 for the entire state.


Any person who does not have a valid license under PSARA is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of up to twenty-five thousand rupees, or both. As a result, all private security companies in India must obtain a license under PSARA 2005 in order to conduct business.


COMPLETE PROCESS OF PSARA LICENSE, A PSARA license is valid for 5 years from the date of the award. After completing it, the applicant must extend it for the next five years after paying the required fee. The application for renewal must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration of the license.


The Government of India recently launched the Private Security Agency Licensing Portal, COMPLETE PROCESS OF PSARA LICENSE, which includes a single-window system for licensing across the country, as well as a connection to the Integrated Criminal Justice System (ICJS) for antecedent’s verification, online payment of licensing fees, and e-sign and geo-tagging capabilities to make the PSARA License process easier. Some states have approved the Online Procedure, although others are still in the process of doing so.

In 2021, there will be a lot of changes:

  • Now that the Private Security Agency Licensing Portal has been introduced, there will be no need for manual police verification of director/partner/proprietor information when applying for a private security agency license.
  • For verification of the applicant’s antecedents, the Controlling Authority can use electronic crime and criminal databases such as CCTNS, ICJS, and similar facilities.
  • Electronic payment methods such as Demand Draft or banker’s check would be approved for license fees.
  • As of December 27, 2018, the Centre has made the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) mandatory.
  • Private Security agencies will be able to use their own designations under regulations based on their training and job requirements, with the caveat that no organization will adopt any of the ranks of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, or state police forces.
  • Once issued, the character and antecedent certificate is valid for three years, regardless of the status of the employer.
  • The Controlling Authority must check the private security agency’s premises at the address or addresses were given by the agency, either directly or through an officer.
  • The Controlling Authority shall mail a physical copy of the license to the private security agency’s registered office within 15 days of its issuance, which the private security agency is required to show at its place of business.


COMPLETE PROCESS OF PSARA LICENSE, Following receipt of the PSARA License Online, the Private Security Agency could begin operations within six months. The PSARA outlines the various requirements for a security guard, including eligibility standards, credentials, and disqualifications. As a result, before applying for the PSARA License Online, the applicant must meet all of the above-mentioned criteria and conditions.

To sum up, when hiring a private security officer, one does not need to be concerned because all private security companies must first obtain a PSARA license before beginning operations. Furthermore, the issuance of this license has increased public trust in the use of private security personnel.

For more information, please contact us on or call us Mb. No. 85100 58386 or 9310 717274.